Davidson Davie Community College Rams on the RoadWednesday, March 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM until Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 2:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00Map and DirectionsDavidson Davie Community College - Rittling Conference Center297 Davidson Community College RdThomasville, NC 27360United StatesRAMS on the Road WSSU's Transfer admission and enrollment staff is coming to a community college near you. You will have the opportunity to speak with representatives from various departments to assist you in completing enrollment check list items such as advising and registration, the registrar for on-site transfer articulation (39 and below transferable credit hours), financial aid for affordability and transfer scholarship availability, and much more. Please bring any unofficial transcripts you currently have. Students that attend and have not applied, will receive a $50 application fee waiver and on site admissions. We look forward to seeing you at a community college near you! Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.